Manufacturing & Distribution

Central to manufacturing and distribution is management of workflow, quality control, process, projects, and product life cycle. Each one of these challenges has a known software solution; however these are often generic off-the-shelf solutions that are not always constructed with your company in mind.

Marketing in manufacturing and distribution comes with its own unique set of challenges as enterprises often exclusively sell business-to-business based on a technical capability, and industry buyers often know little or nothing about the product that they are purchasing as they work from a list of required part-numbers. Hence differentiating your proposition from the competition is a challenge. In these circumstances, if you are to succeed, it is important to present your company's strengths and standout from the rest.

Streamlining supply chain processes

We work with manufacturing companies to improve the flow of communication, increase business efficiency, create leads and generate sales. We speak your language and understand your sector.

Rocktime offers a bespoke software development service. We have a strong track record in developing ERP systems for clients ranging from CRMMRP, warehouse management, supply chain management, e-commerce, reporting, dashboard, portals, database driven business systems, all designed for one client and not trying to force a solution on the basis of a square peg in a round hole. Additionally, we are experts in integration with existing systems often stating that as long as there is the ability to import or export from it we're able to do so via web services or APIs.

To grow an enterprise, you need solid business intelligence in order to know what opportunities are available, such as where the product and service gaps exist, where the online market places are thriving and how you can take advantage of them. We conduct a digital landscape review for our clients, giving them the market intelligence to understand where opportunities lie. We help companies understand their position in the online market-place, and how best to use digital marketing to attract new customers.

Given the experience of our team, we are able to assess the viability of growing sales. We have run digital advertising campaigns in many different countries and languages and know the important difference between being found by a company buyer, and an engineer. Rocktime targets your potential customers and gets you found by the right person at the right time.

Company websites and digital marketing campaigns generate valuable data. We help our customers understand this data and integrate it with other systems in the business, to continuously improve efficiency and increase return on investment. To get the best results, you need to work with people that understand your sector and industry. Rocktime are specialists in digital marketing with backgrounds in manufacturing and distribution. We remove complex marketing technical jargon and provide you with reports and data from which you can act upon.

Our role at Rocktime is to support you through these steps and create systems, content, platforms and promotion solutions to convert opportunities into profit making engagements. Ultimately, we want you to grow. Therefore, we will partner with you as a reliable supplier who will help you become active decision makers, business visionaries, growth driven, innovative, market experts and effective in your sales process.

If you have a project and would like to discuss it further please get in touch.

Latest news & highlights

  • Verso All Licensing rollout to North Devon Council

    Following extensive consultation, Rocktime is pleased to confirm the contract for the rollout of the Verso All Licensing Platform for North Devon Council to replace their legacy systems. The verso SaaS platform will replace the local authorities pdf application forms and manual data entry with a purpose built out-the-box solution for Licensing.

  • Sefton Council expands use of Verso to include Taxi Licensing

    Sefton Council expands use of verso for Taxi Licensing applications providing applicants with the ability to manage and submit their applications online. The Verso Taxi Licensing platform provides an intuitive customer friendly experience that is optimised for user engagement and ease of navigation on any device and modern web browser.

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