
Verso Software

We understand that every local authority has a set of different requirements for licensing which is why versoTM includes bespoke configuration that ensures the final result mirrors the councils' existing processes (if not improving upon them) rather than modifying to fit the cloud software.

Working with our Public Sector partners we deliver positive Change Management through a process of on-boarding which minimises any staff resistance to change. 

We have successfully disrupted the marketplace with a SaaS product which has delivered significant benefits for local authorities across the UK with versoTM currently powering over 51 local authority licensing schemes ranging from HMO, Taxi, Firearms and general licensing and has processed and validated in excess of 100,000 applications saving upwards of 1/2 million sheets of A4 paper.

SaaS Platform

versoTM has been developed to support local authorities across all licencing with a platform that considers both council officers as well as end users. We work with our clients to overcome issues with workflow, simplifying often overly complex processes whilst harnessing cloud technology to empower managers to perform their roles effectively. 

Our cloud software is built on the latest open standards Microsoft technology providing a reliable and robust platform that is cross browser compatible and responsive upon different mobile devices. Key features include:

  • Intelligent GUI technology enhancing the applicant online user experience with data entry and application tracking
  • Case manager and council officer developed workflows to maximise process management 
  • Business logic to support automation and case management to improve staff efficiency
  • Real-time managed workload with case management collaboration and information sharing
  • Full and detailed overview of casework activities including active case work  with full history oversight

Visit verso software to learn more or get in touch to organise a demo and discuss your requirements further.

Latest news & highlights

  • Verso All Licensing rollout to North Devon Council

    Following extensive consultation, Rocktime is pleased to confirm the contract for the rollout of the Verso All Licensing Platform for North Devon Council to replace their legacy systems. The verso SaaS platform will replace the local authorities pdf application forms and manual data entry with a purpose built out-the-box solution for Licensing.

  • Sefton Council expands use of Verso to include Taxi Licensing

    Sefton Council expands use of verso for Taxi Licensing applications providing applicants with the ability to manage and submit their applications online. The Verso Taxi Licensing platform provides an intuitive customer friendly experience that is optimised for user engagement and ease of navigation on any device and modern web browser.

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